Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hide and Seek

Today Sophie started making forts out of whatever she could find. Moving her toy box to make a small place to hide. We ended up turning it into a game. hide and seek! When ever I would come after her she would run to her little spot and hide. So far the cutest thing I have ever seen.
Sophie is also learning how to blow her nose. She has a little bit of allergies like mom I think, and when she gets fussy her nose drips like crazy. So I put the tissue up to her nose and she blows. It took a few days to master, but she has it down now. Also today she learned how to get off the couch by herself . She likes to sit on the couch with daddy to watch a movie with him. (the cutest thing ever BTW) and today she was able to slowly push herself to the edge and climb down. What a smart girl. So much in one day.

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