Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Sophia

I promised my self that I wouldn't cry today. This morning after Sophia got up, I did the same things we always do. Have breakfast, diaper change, and some morning playtime. Only today was different. I can't really explain the feeling that goes through you when you realize that your baby... is a little girl now.
She is not a baby anymore, She is saying new words almost everyday, showing me how independent she can be, and proving to me that she is such a big girl. I am happy to have raised her as well as I have. I told dad this morning, "We made it" We survived the first year. Being ever so delicate with a new life, teaching her all that we know, and watching her see things for the very first time.
I am now looking forward to many more years with her. Happy birthday my little girl! Mommy and daddy love you so much!


  1. Happy birthday, Sophie! I wish we could be there to help you celebrate today. We will have to have a play date when Brice is feeling better. I can't wait to give Sophie her gift. It's amazing how that feeling of "not a baby" anymore comes over us. I was feeling the same thing this week. But I am having SO much fun with the walking, talking and everthing else that getting older brings.

  2. Wow. It's weird that our kiddos are 1 already. Sometimes I just stop and go..Whoa.
