Monday, May 4, 2009


Our daily ritual before bed, Dinner, Bath time, then books. Sophie has loved her books since birth. She is now at the age where she can take better care of them. She is allowed the hard paged books now, and couldn't be more thrilled with them.

Yesterday after her bath, I was pretty caught up in a few things like dishes and laundry. Trying to finish before I had to put her down for bed. When out of the blue she comes up and pulls my pant leg..... A-book, A-book. Meaning Mommy read me a book. It was the cutest thing I have ever heard.

She said it all day today, and again before bed tonight. Her new phrase.... A-Book. That let's me know it's story time.


  1. Your Sohpia has kissie cheeks i loved being able to kiss my Sofia when she had those cheeks :) I still kiss them every chance i can

  2. I love it when Brice bring me a book and crawls in my lap. It's so sweet. It's so neat that she loves books so early. I have always left Brice's hard books on a lower shelf for him to grab, I want him to go for them as much as possible so he will grow up loving books and have a head start in school. Now if I could get him to say some more words. ;)
