Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cupcakes and Goldfish

Sophie was pretty excited that it was sunny out today, cause that meant she could wear her new cupcake sandals we got a few weeks ago. Yes she picked them out to, what a smart girl. She has a bit of whimsy in her after all.
She was most excited to get outside and walk around. I wish I was fast enough to get a picture of her smelling the dandelions. She picked one for daddy, but by the time he got it she had squeezed it so hard that there was no life left in it.
None the less she still thought it was beautiful. I think she just loved the bright sunny yellow color.

So we went out to the grocery store for a few necessities, one of them being Sophie's first bag of goldfish crackers. I have started something here..... She was needing that bag with the pictures of the brigh orange fish on the package when we were at the store, so badly. That when she got to try them, it was like nothing she had ever tasted. Her new favorite snack.... Baby Goldfish Crackers, you can't eat just one mom!

1 comment:

  1. She is so sweet! Brice loves his goldfish crackers, too. He can finally have a whole one and chew it up.
