Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bracelets and Boogers

Sophia has come to the time when she discovers herself. As funny as it is to watch, sometimes it's just weird. She has this weird fetish to put all her toys that are round, on her wrists like bracelets. She will bend her elbow slightly, as if to keep them on, and prance around the house.
I have also noticed her mimicking daddy, He will lay a certain way on the floor with her, as they watch movies. Sophie will grab a throw pillow and position it just right, for her to sit up just like dad.
And now when she has a booger, "no more suction thing" she says, I will get it myself!

Check Spelling


  1. She is the cutest! I love the finger up the nose gotta love it...thaks for the pictures its a pleasure to see her pretty face

  2. It's a girl thing. :) Just like it's a boy thing for Brice to make everything a car and make the engin noise while he's doing it. Crazy. Sometimes I wish B would pick his nose so I didn't have to fight with him to get those darn boogers out! :)
