Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sophia's First Shiner

Holy Moly, would you look at that... My heart attack yesterday!! Shortly after breakfast Sophie thought it was a good idea to stand on one of her toy balls. She held onto the door jam and proceeded to stand on the ball. Well you know what happens from there. The ball slipped, and her head collided with the corner of the door jam.

Now as I said before I have a hard time with letting her go off on her own to play, I am usually watching her every move. Dad was checking his email, and I had just hit the office to check something online. "BANG" not even a whole minute after I left the room. I freaked out when I saw this half dollar sized welt on her face.

The hospital was called, Emergency of course. I was pacing the floor on hold checking her eyes to make sure she didn't loose consciousness. Daddy held her as I tried to ice the wound and hold the phone at the same time.

Needless to say after all that, Sophie cried a bit, then started to play again as if nothing had happened. SERIOUSLY!! She is a tough cookie. By lunchtime she was doing wonderful. Playing in one of her bins having daddy push her like a train.
I know we should let our kids bump and bruise a little, learn their lessons and all that, but if that was me I would be crying for a week!


  1. Oh no! Poor girlie!!! Glad she is okay!

  2. LOL! You sound just like I did when Chase got his first bumps and bruises. Now with my second child I am letting him toughen up. The good news is that Sophie won't stand on the ball again. Hopefully, hehe. And the best advice for this is that as long as she doesn't go to sleep right away after a knock to the noggin, and as long as it swells OUTWARD and not inward..she will be just fine!

  3. Makes me giggle a little. I didn't call ER, but I did call my mom down in Arizona on Tuesday when Brice decided to take a header out of his playpen. Smacked right on his head and he pulled himself over the side. Freaked me out. He was perfectly fine. Thankfully.
