Monday, May 11, 2009

Let's Call Daddy

After Dad left for work today, the only thing Sophie wanted to play was.... Let's call daddy. Now usually this game is played with the talking Elmo phone, or the v-tech phone that says, let's call daddy. Well not today. Sophie wanted my cell phone, the real phone only mom!!
Not only did she discover that her phones were not real and mommies was, but she started putting the phone to her ear after she dialed. She would punch a hundred random buttons then put the phone up to her ear and make some kind of noise that I didn't quite understand. But I am sure Daddy did! :)
Also on her first birthday she started grabbing me and daddy by the finger, and pulling us through the house as if she needed to show us something, but when we got there she would let go and start playing. But oh golly if we left she came running back to grab that finger again and pull us back to the playroom.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how sweet!! Brice practically runs after me if I head out of the room...or open the 'fridge door. :) Definatly Aaron's boy.
